
Monday, January 27, 2014

My First DIY

Do you remember the very first craft or project you did?

I can't quite go back that far---as a kid I was always making something.  There is one memory that stands out though.

It must have been around the time I was 12.  HGTV had just really started to be a "thing" and I loved watching the craft shows.  They always did such cool stuff and that was where I first learned about decoupage and rubber stamping and scrap booking.

So at the age of 12, my mom was the cameraman and I created my own craft show.  The "set" was our living room with a card table set up.  Pretty sure I wore a groovy knit vest and put on some lipstick.

The project was either a button picture frame or a decoupage box, I forget which one it was.  just that I had such high hopes of being a guest on the Carol Duvall show!  Ha!

What was your first craft?  Do you remember it?


  1. hi there,

    Stopping by from A Bountiful Love :)
    I could not remember the first craft I made.. However I know, that I made more DI Y's and crafts when I became a momma . You know what I used to watch before? CRAFT WARS..not that im into competition..I just love to discover new ways and new products and how to use it :)

    Have a blessed week and thank you for stopping by at my blog ..

  2. btw..followed you through Networked Blogs and Blog Lovin :)

  3. I am so not crafty....I have very little patience but I love watching other people come up with something out of almost nothing:)


Happy to have you here at the Zucchini Summer Blog! :)