
Thursday, January 23, 2014

National Compliment Day {challenge}

Tomorrow is National Compliment Day!

I challenge you to compliment at least THREE people.

It doesn't have to be some long, mushy note to someone.  Here are some simple ideas to get you thinking:
  • Compliment the waitress for the quick service
  • Compliment a friend/stranger/acquaintance for a shirt/haircut/handbag that you genuinely like.
  • Compliment your child by telling them something unique about them that you love.  
  • Compliment your spouse on their good financial skills, WWII knowledge...whatever it is that they do well!
  • Compliment someone's new facebook picture.

Let me know what other ideas you have and if you find 3 people to compliment today!


  1. (Hi--stopping by from Mommy Blogger Buddy Group)

    What a nice idea. I think I'm good at complimenting my family, but I should make sure to compliment others outside my family too.


Happy to have you here at the Zucchini Summer Blog! :)