
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Snotty Shoppers

We are in the midst of a blizzard/snowpacolypse.  At least one person in this town was a real bee-otch about it.

The night before bad weather came, I went to a few stores to get some things that my husband forgot on his grocery run a few days prior.

I'm walking through the grocery store getting my few little big deal.  Then, this woman and her husband pass by me and the I overhear the woman say, disgustedly, "I mean how LONG do they think they are going to be frozen in?" She snort/giggles and keeps going.

It was quite rude.  No one there was hoarding groceries, we all were just merrily going about getting whatever things we were going to need.  This is the worst weather we've had in two decades. You legitimately can NOT leave your house.  
And this woman sat there on her high horse acting like we were all beneath her (although why was SHE in the store in the first place?).

I may or may not have muttered something about "a--holes" and walked past her...  ;)


  1. Ha! This gave me a good laugh. I'm not sure why people act like they do. Really who is she to judge?

    1. She's probably eating her words now, the storm lasted longer than we thought and the entire town has been stuck inside more days than anticipated! She's probably regretting not buying toilet paper and bread. :)

  2. OMW! Did you run into me? I had the same attitude as your lovely lady. :) It was more from frustration at the insanely long checkout lines though...

    1. That was you?? lol!! I was there the night before the storm and our store was really surprisingly calm. Plenty of shoppers but the lines were moving and it wasn't bad at all, which is probably why her attitude surprised me. ;)

  3. People like that don't have enough to do. I seriously have enough to remember without even thinking about what other are getting. Plus, if others are like me, I try not to bring my whole troop of 5 kids with me grocery shopping. Which means that people don't know why my cart is overflowing with groceries. We go through a lot of food!

  4. Wow! What if you were just doing your regular weekly shopping? How does she know? Most people have their carts loaded at the grocery store. Our stores were crazy busy here the day before the storm. We finally got out yesterday and stopped at the store and the shelves still haven't been completely restocked.

  5. Some people! I am always surprised to hear the stuff that comes out of people's mouths! I am a extreme couponer AND a stockpiler and people never say anything to me when I have a whole cart full!


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