
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"Whatever You Grow Up to Be"-review

Whatever You Grow Up To BeKaren Kingsbury, Valeria Docampo
Big thanks to Zondervan and BookLook for sending me a free copy of this adorable book!  I've long enjoyed reading Karen Kingsbury's novels for adults, so I was eager to see what she had for children.  "Whatever You Grow Up to Be" is a mother-son story of the mother's love for her son from birth through adulthood, no matter what he grows up to be.  

Here is the summary from Zondervan:

Whatever You Grow Up to Be, by New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury, brings the mother-son relationship into new light, as a young boy discovers the unlimited possibilities God has for his life, while never forgetting the special bond he shares with his mother.

My thoughts:

  • I love how the book comes full circle in the end with the little boy growing up and becoming a father, and the mom becoming a grandma!
  • The illustrations are precious.  Very well done, engaging while not being over-stimulating for little readers.
  • Fantastic gift idea for a Grandma-to-be!   
  • Karen Kingsbury presents the image of a loving mother-son relationship. As the mom of boys, I've noticed that many events, particularly Mother's Day events, tend to focus on mother/daughter and the Father's Day things are for father/son pairs.  It's nice to see something celebrate a mother's relationship and affection for her growing son.
  • Text is rhyming on each page, this is a pretty short read-a-loud.  My 3 year old enjoyed listening to it multiple times.
"Whatever You Grow Up to Be" is available in hardback format pre-order through Zondervan.  List price is $15.99.  I was given the book for review purposes, but I do not make any money off your potential purchase, so you know I'm not trying to sway you one way or the other! :)

Final thought-Can I just say KUDOS to Zondervan for having a paypal checkout option on their site?!  I noticed that and love it.  That makes it a lot easier for people who don't use credit cards to be able to shop.  Thank you!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Post shared at: I Can Teach My Child


  1. How adorable! I would love to read this book! I have a young son, so it's close to my heart! Thanks for your thoughts!

  2. awwhh That seems like a great book to read to a little one! Is 22 months old too young for that book? I have a hard time getting her to sit still for reading. LOL

    1. She wouldn't be too young. It is not a very long book and you can always just read a few pages and finish it the next time she sits down to read with you. :)


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