
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Happiness is...

Today's letter in the A-Z April theme is "H."  I'm sharing 10 things that make me happy!
Happiness is . . .

  • the perfect cup of coffee in the morning
  • sunshine after a cold and cloudy winter
  • early morning snuggles with the kids
  • a slice of deep dish cheese pizza from the best local place
  • date night
  • soft, broken-in, pajama pants
  • Mom's potato soup
  • funny movies (We saw "Ride Along" last week and it was funnier than expected!)
  • a new book
  • morning sunrise
(I typed this up and realized three of them were about food.  Not sure what that says about me.  Not sure I want to know!)  :)

1 comment:

  1. Your comment about food at the end made me laugh. :D Sunshine, date night, PJ pants, potato soup and a new book would all be on my list too if I made one. The bad thing is all of my food ones would be ice cream, candy, brownies, etc. I have a major sweet tooth. :)


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