
Friday, March 25, 2011

Four Favorites Friday: Blogger style

These are four of my favorite bloggers. Are they on your follow list? They should be!

In random order:

1. Angie at The Country Chic Cottage
No, not just because I won a giveaway over there. Though that was exciting! Angie has this neat sense of shabby style. Her projects are affordable! She doesn't run around suggesting you tear out walls and re-brick your entire house (like some blogs. *cough*).

Another reason to like The Country Chic Cottage? She does giveaways every week!

2. For the Luv of Boys
I have all boys too. Moms of all boys "get" each other. There is a certain camaraderie that comes with knowing your friend has also found fishing worms in pants pockets, stepped on legos, and spent countless hours teaching to aim IN the potty.

She just posted a tutorial on how to take a domino and make a necklace!

For crafts, projects and mom-friend, check out For the Luv of Boys.

3. A Little Knick Knack
Recently stumbled upon this treasure of a blog! As I'm getting back into sewing, her post on sewing for dummies was quite helpful!
Today marks the end of a 3 week sew along series for learning how to make a pillowcase. I will finish mine and upload it all early next week. It isn't too late to join in on the fun! Head over and catch up and sew with us!

4. Etsy Blog Team

As you know, I have a shop on etsy. There are a lot of shop owners who also blog and this is like our "base." They constantly have help for bloggers like myself who weren't born knowing html or how to make a button. Even if you aren't an etsy seller, you can still benefit from the blog help they freely dole out!

Linked at:
Weekend Linky Party at Serenity Now
Friday Fun Finds at Kojo Designs
Tidy Mom


  1. Never heard of "A Little Knick Knack." Will have to check that one out!

    Thank you so much for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. :) If you could please add a link back to me too, I would very much appreciate it. :) Have fun finding a new blog friend or two, and I hope you'll visit me at Serenity Now again soon! :)

  2. Yes Amanda, adding the link right now! I remember filling out the linky thing and then thinking "oh darn! I didn't get the name of that blog!"

    I'm a follower of yours so I should have realized it sooner!

  3. I haven't been to any of the blogs so I can't wait to start browsing! Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Happy to have you here at the Zucchini Summer Blog! :)