
Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Shades of Grey Ragg Tagg from Fat Quarter Shop

Eventually I want to make a quilt to honor my baby's eye color.

His eyes are blue/gray. Cool, eh?

This fabric from Michael Miller would work.
image and item listing from fabricshoppe

Here is a custom set from fabricworm. I'm liking all the gray!


This blue polka dot is a must-have! So sweet and perfect for commemorating a baby boy!blue
Image and item listing from Fat Quarter Shop

Now my dilemma is finding the right pattern! Any suggestions for a quilt pattern? Needs to be beginner friendly, and probably more on the modern-ish side. If you know of a pattern that would work, leave it in the comments!

Linking up to QuiltStory, thanks for the inspiration to look into my fabric selections today!
Fresh Poppy Design
Linking up here, I finally quit procrastinating and wrote a new post, despite all the sickness in our house. Now I need to quit procrastinating and finish some blocks on a quilt I'm working on! Yikes.
Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. Absolutely love the blue and grays combos, Michael Miller has such great fabrics in that colorway! I'd love to see it!! Pattern...hmmm so many great tutorials out there. I just did a coin quilt tute that would be really cute/modern (just leave off the flowers!) Cluck cluck sew has some good patterns too. Good luck! We're following now too :)

  2. I'm not a quilter so I have know idea of a good pattern to use, but with those beautiful fabrics, you really can't go wrong.

  3. Nice selection! Something pretty simple would be to take two favorite prints, cut into squares and then border each square with polkadots, then put a border around the whole thing-maybe the stripes. There are a lot of options-have fun!

  4. I'm loving the fabrics you are looking at - each one is really great. Thanks for visiting Redo 101 and commenting on the bathroom redo - just visiting back to say hello!


  5. I LOVE the Michael Miller!!! Trés cute. :)

    Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. :) Hope you'll stop by Serenity Now again soon! :)

  6. Visiting from Serenity Now! I cant wait to see what you come up with! I'm a huge quilting fan, just not very good at it!!! I love she has some great info. happy quilting, can't wait to see the finished quilt!

  7. I love the Michael Miller fabric...actually I love all the fabric. I'm a newbie quilter so all I've done is just block quilts so far but I love the idea of doing one for your baby!

  8. I'm visiting from Serenity now!! Those fabrics you chose are amazing!! Lovely color combination!!! I love quilts!!! Good luck making it!!! I'm now following..I want to see work in progress:)
    Eleni @
    p.s. check out the Circle Quilt from!!! It's awesome:)

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog;) I've never made a traditional quilt! As you could see in the post I made it up as I went along, but I could always send you my Popsicle sketch, lol.
    Shannon @ cluttered closet


Happy to have you here at the Zucchini Summer Blog! :)