
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Fun Series--Week 4!

Welcome to Week 4 of the Summer Fun series! We are half-way through the series of 8 weeks! Thanks for joining in and a big thank you to those who have put a button on their blog or in their summer fun posts!

If you missed the first three weeks, you can catch up here: Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Here are this week's activities:

Monday: Picnic Lunch

picnic, lunch, picnic basket, basket
Pretty self-explanatory, eh? You can go in your backyard, on your living room floor, or to a park. Buy some fast food, or pack an actual basket with PBJ, pretzel
s, apples, and juice boxes.

Tuesday: Visit your grandma

You can visit your parents or your grandparents. My grandparents are all 70+ and love to get visitors. We don't do if often enough though! If you don't have your family nearby or available, visit someone else's grandparents! An older neighbor, a retirement home, etc.

Wednesday: Cooking with Kids
Try out a new recipe today. Who knows, maybe the formerly picky little people will decide they LIKE asparagus? Or perhaps you try a new kind of cookie. Involve the kids in measuring, mixing, and of course, clean up!

Thursday: Outdoor Olympics
Hold an Outdoor Olympics with your kids. You can create your own ideas according to your children's ages, but here are some ideas:
Olympics, olympic rings, olympic games, summer olympics, outdoor olympics, winter olympics
--20 foot dash
--relay race
--spin in a circle 4 times and then run to the end of the driveway and back
--who can carry a cotton ball on a spoon the furthest without dropping it
--how many times can you and your partner throw a wet sponge back and forth without dropping it? 20? 40? 100?!
--Simon Says
--3 legged races
--sack races (use pillowcases)

Friday: Lunch with the letter P
p, letter p, popsicle, Popsickle, summer activities, alphabet letters, homeschooling
Brainstorm with your kids what you can have for lunch that starts with a P. Try to make the whole meal all "P" foods. (Hint, if you are stumped, here are what I've come up with: peas, pears, prunes, plums, peanut butter, pasta, pulled pork, penne pasta, pickles, pink grapefruit, pretzels, popcorn, peanuts, Pringles, pudding, popsicles, pork patty sandwiches)

Linking here:


  1. love your creative ideas, sweetie! what a fun week! little rikrak is out of school wednesday so the fun begins! thanks for the great thoughts.

  2. I love this! When my children were younger, our summers were really lovely. more evenly paced with lots of time for projects. We did "Mom's Baking Lessons" once a week, took daily long walks and made fresh lemonade and ice cream together. By the way, we must have seen every single ARTHUR episode produced. One of our favorites was Grandma Thora making cookies that ended up with cracked shells. DW and Arthur sneaking them into the janitor's supply closet was priceless!


Happy to have you here at the Zucchini Summer Blog! :)