
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gardening Fail

Aren't tomatoes like the one plant that is over-achieving? People usually have way too many tomatoes than the know what to do with. Us included.

This year my husband planted the tomato plants and we waited.

I told a friend at church, "It must be the weather. We haven't had any tomatoes!"

Came home the other day and the mystery was solved.
Yes, the large creature pictured above (we call her a "dog") is to blame. She was picking the tomatoes off the plant and eating them.

I have heard of rabbits or dear being a garden problem. Never a dog.
And oh yeah, she'd like to ask you to please send corn. She loves corn but was only able to sneak this one ear away while we were outside shucking.

Joining these great linky parties:
Serenity Now
A Little Knick Knack


  1. I don't see the picture, but I can just imagine! Our dog loves corn, too, and sits somewhat patiently, staring us down to be given the cobs so she can somehow (HOW do they do it??) gnaw off every little last morsel. Personally, I think it's the butter.

  2. I love your puppy! We lost tomatoes this summer, but not to our golden. I'm not sure if its raccoons, possums, squirrels, or birds. Always finding half-eaten tomatoes in the yard!

  3. Our dogs eat anything that we try to grow. It is such a pain.

  4. had to laugh out loud when i read about your dog liking corn and tomatoes. it's a first for me. my cat likes to nibble on grass once in a while too.

  5. :) :) It's the first time that I have heard about a Tomato-lover dog :)

    We have a link-up party going on - Tea Time Thursdays @ Kreative Korner. I would really appreciate if you'd link up some of your awesome posts there. Hope to see you at the party.

  6. Aww, that's cute...but too bad for your plants. :) At least you know what happened!

    Thanks for linking up at this weeks Pinteresting Link Party.

  7. Ours do the same thing, love those tomatoes. They love strawberries too.

    Don't have room for much more than that, but I'm sure they would love anything we were able to grow


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