
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Oh yeah, it is official.

Update: I graduated.

My degree came in the mail a couple weeks ago since I graduated mid-year.  The whole "put on a cap and gown" ceremony won't be until May, and yes, I am walking.

I'm framing the diploma and hanging it above a bookshelf where I store all my professional development books, textbooks, etc.  This was a degree in general studies (my husband asked what that qualifies me to do. I said, "generally everything." haha Get it?).

I am still in school though!  My second degree, an A.S. in Education should be done this coming December and from there I can transfer and finish the bachelor's.  Phew!  My classes this semester are all education and are a ton of work, projects, papers.  But since they are all educational topics it is fun.  Much better than last semester when I had to work with Earth Science topics (sorry to all my nerd friends).  :-)

Are any of you in school right now?  Or all you all done, never ever going back!?


  1. Congratulations! I want a degree in library science on day.....

  2. Congrats!!! Keep up the good work! That has to be hard! Celebrate each step! :)

  3. I have my BS in computer science with a math minor. I'm never going back. At least I currently have no plans to. I was sooo glad the day I finally graduated!! To be officially done with school was wonderful! Congrats on your degree and good luck with your continuing studies! :)

  4. Congratulations!!! I'm envious - I loved school, both undergraduate and post graduate.

    If I won the lottery (and after traveling the world) I'd probably go back and get my PhD.


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