
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

We Support... 12 Charities Worth Your Attention (part 1)

In my desire to be more of a radical giver this year, I've created a list of charities we support.  The idea being that we will donate to one of these every month in addition to our regular church giving.  Some you may know, some you may not.  This is Part 1, with 6 charities.  The other 6 will be featured next week in Part 2.

1. American Heart Association
Did you know heart disease kills more women each year than breast cancer???  Yet it doesn't receive near the attention and public support.  The American Heart Association works to fund research and education.

2.  American Cancer Society

A close relative of mine is nearing their 5 yr cancer-free anniversary.  Several other of my relatives and friends are still fighting.  I love this charitable cause and plan to donate in the month of my relative's 5 yr survivorship!

3.  Donors Choose

Image result for donors choose
I talked about this one once before.  Teachers can make donation pages requesting certain supplies. I have checked it out, known teachers who used it, and donated personally.  It does, in fact, work!  I hate that teachers have to ask for basic supplies like microscopes, books, and paper in the first place.  But I'm glad they have a place to do it!  You can choose any classroom  you want to support and they even take paypal as a form of donation!

4. March of Dimes
Image result for march of dimes
You may remember that our second child died.  He passed away when I was 9 months pregnant.  Unfortunately for him, there was nothing that could have been done.  We love that March of Dimes funds research on stillbirth in addition to providing oodles of support for NICU families, community education, and reducing the rate of premature births.  If our donation can help a family NOT have to experience the loss of a child, we are happy to give!

5. Molly Bears

Check them out here on facebook.
Molly Bears makes stuffed bears for families experiencing the loss of a baby.  My baby that died weighed 7lb, 4oz...I am on the waiting list with Molly Bears.  When my turn rolls around, they will send me a bear, FREE, that is weighted to the exact weight of my baby, 7lb, 4oz.  That way I can have something to hold.  It is a charity that I wish did not NEED to exist, but am so glad it does.
It costs them over $30 I think to make just one bear, so I try to send them donations from time to time to help keep their process going!

6. Samaritan's Purse
2019 Update: Unfortunately with Billy Graham's passing and his son, Franklin Graham, taking over the full operations of Samaritan's Purse, we have had to discontinue our support of this group. Franklin holds many extremist views that we cannot endorse.
You are probably already familiar with Samaritan's Purse, at least through Operation Christmas Child (you know? Where you collect items and fill a shoe
box with school supplies, toys, and hygiene items for a child in need).  Operation Christmas Child is put on by Samaritan's Purse.  

Stay tuned for the rest of the list, and please, share what YOUR favorite charities are!


  1. Haiti Outreach Ministries! We have been giving so a child can go to school since 1999. They do not have public education in Haiti (or very much of anything). Almost all of the donations go straight to church schools in Haiti as all U.S. staff are volunteers. Check them out at

  2. I didn't know about your baby. I'm so sorry. :-( I can't imagine. I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow. I have given a couple of times to March of Dimes--nothing huge, just a little here and there. I think I've heard of the Molly Bears before too--it might have been through your site, I can't remember. Another one I have given to in the past is Habitat for Humanity. Those are all great causes though. It is hard to choose when you can only afford to give to one at a time.

  3. I love charities that allow people to know exactly where the money's going.

    I'm a supporter of Samaritan's Purse as well.

    Stopping by your blog because of Blogelina's twitter party. :)

  4. I feel like my Fb comment was so insensitive... ugh. Please forgive me. I have to specify that I did NOT mean all the charities you list here. I should've specified March of Dimes as the main culprit. American Cancer Society has a sketchy history, but as far as I know, they are close to being off the boycott list. Yeah!

    I am so sorry for the loss of your baby. I can't imagine. What a wonderful charity- Molly Bears. I wish I would've known about this a couple years ago. My sister inlaw and cousin both suffered infant loss. My cousin's baby was full term and his death was so unexpected- his lungs never developed and the doctors never diagnosed it. He was beautiful! We held him, said our goodbyes, and funeral services were had. The only thing our family could think to give them was engraved jewelry with Xavier's birthdate.

    My sister inlaw suffered a miscarriage at 24 weeks. Everyone tried to pretend it was none of our business and those of us needing to grieve, like my sister inlaw, were left with no way of grieving. I had a custom made pearl bracelet with Adrianna's name, birthday and an angel pendant. It created closure for all of us and my sister inlaw wore it for a long time.

    This teddy bear idea is so beautiful and thoughtful. Oh how this would've helped the grieving process for both my sister inlaw and cousin. Thank you for sharing this. God forbid I ever have to share this information to someone who needs it, but thankful for it, nonetheless.

  5. I'm terribly sorry to hear about the loss of your child. It's every expectant mother's worst fear. I agree that I wish the March of Dimes didn't have to exist, but I'm glad they do.

  6. I am so sorry for your loss and I understand as one having gone through it.
    Your charities listed are a great idea and appreciate your encouragement to be more of a giver!
    Sorry I missed the the @Blogelina twitter party last night. I was signing in to twitter chat and our internet died! It would have been my first twitter party too!!!!


Happy to have you here at the Zucchini Summer Blog! :)