
Monday, March 5, 2012

Goals: February in review

February Goals Check in

  • Read through the New Testament this year. (currently in Mark)
  • Take photos and upload to a snapfish photobook each month so at the end of the year I just have to "print", no more paper scrapbooking. Oh man.  I gotta get on this.
  • Continue keeping soda-drinking habit in check, one a week.(Good)
  • Finish my next degree and again graduate with honors. (All A's in my classes this semester so far)
  • Plan summer homeschool curriculum for oldest Beginning planning going on.
  • Actually DO the summer homeschooling.

Ministry/Community Involvement:
  • Continue volunteering in nursery Yep
  • Volunteer again on Thanksgiving Day
  • Fill 6 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child this year
  • Volunteer at elementary school once a week Yep
  • Participate in PTO Yep
  • Remain active in my 2 blog buddy groups by sharing my new posts and commenting on theirs. Good!  Working on a collaboration project right now.
  • Get to 400 GFC followers (at 287 as of January)
  • Update Facebook at least once a week. Doing better at this
  • Post 2ce a week on the blog Good
  • Continue tithing to our church without missing any months. 
  • Pay cash for vehicle repairs Paid cash, hoping no more repairs for several months!
  • Agree with husband on Emergency Savings amount for the year and attain it. Oh. Yeah this.  We did commit our tax refund to savings, other than that we still need to set a specific year-end goal.
  • Pay cash for all birthday/Christmas gifts So far, so good.
  • Send cash donation each month to one of the charities we value.
  • Save my spare change for one of the charities on the list.(reworking this goal, news about it soon)
  • Sell the kids old clothes and donate the money
  • Give away some of the kids old clothes. Gave some in February

Social Responsibility:
  • Buy Made in the USA products for my kids birthday party supplies and presents and Christmas presents at least 75% of the time.
  • Call or write my elected officials about matters that well, matter, to me.  
  • Get the kids clothes we are saving organized and put away. Got Newborn, 0-3 and 3-6 month sizes done!
  • Sand and paint deck.
  • Organize pantry. Done and blogged here.


  1. I admire you for writing out your goals. I think that this probably also gives you more incentive to try to do things so that you can check them off of your list. Congrats on your A's!

  2. What a great idea to keep accountability!! Is Operation Christmas Child nationwide? How wonderful!!

  3. Wonderful list! You have some great goals and seem to be well on your way.


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