
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Highlight Reel of the Internet

Some great finds around the web right now....a "highlight reel"

When You Rise has a great (free!) download for you of how to weave the gospel message in with the basic Bible stories.  I am definitely printing this one for our us to use!

This genius, why-didn't-i-come-up-with-that idea for organization in the car is from Mama to 4 Blessings.

Notice the little bag of things to keep one of the kiddos busy is a bag with handles.  So it can be hung on the armrest and reached by the child even if they are in a car seat.

Need a laugh?  Dog Shaming will do the trick.
Sinner lived up to his name when he peed on his owner’s leg in a dog obedience class...Dog shaming
I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard at this website.  You must promise me that you'll go check it out.  Some of the photos hit a little close to home though...our dog needs her photo submitted for multiple "crimes."

Sweet tea.  Pinterest was full of this "secret" recipe for great tea.  I made it.  It IS great!  My husband loved it as well.  The gallon is almost gone...we'll be brewing more tomorrow!

There you have it.  Where I've been on the internet.  Any special finds of your own on the 'net this week?

1 comment:

  1. I'll say a prayer for you tonight. Thanks for your comment on Mommie...Again.



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