
Friday, February 1, 2013

Cutesy House Rules vs. REAL rules

Things like this are cluttering up my pinterest feed:
in this house sign, in this house we do loud really well, in this house we do second chances, we do family sign

Aww now isn't that sweet?  I should make one for our house!  Oh wait.  I live in the real world with a bunch of boys and a sweet but mischievous dog.

Here's what I'd have to cut out of vinyl letters with a Cricut and plaster onto some wood for our house:

In this house...

We do not stand right by someone's face and fart.
We do not flap our pants right by someone's face after farting.
We will be in trouble if Mom finds we pooped and didn't flush.
We do not stand and poop on the carpet (DOG!)
We do not write our phone number on our arm with sharpie.
We do not try to ride the dog, no matter how much she enjoys our attempts.
We do not blow the airhorn to wake someone up.

Tell me I'm not the only one with REAL rules in the house..things you never thought you'd have to turn into a rule.  What are some of your zany ones?

--sharing the realness at Serenity Now


  1. Ha ha ha, love it! I've seen quite enough of those twee house rules too. "We do real" is particularly annoying!

    Just found your blog through Serenity Now and I'm really enjoying it...

  2. HILARIOUS. I loved your *real* rules. I couldn't help but laugh and nod in agreement and I don't even have boys. I have a 4 year old little girl and right now, every conversation we have is about butts, farts and princesses. Thanks for making me giggle.

  3. Thanks for the funny glimpse into raising boys! I have found myself saying the darndest things to my girls. When they were younger statements like No! We do not pull the hair off that Barbie just because she sharpied your My little Pony"! Now it's more like No! We do not poke each other with forks while cleaning the table!"

  4. How about "we do cleaning up after ourselves." Ha ha...I live with roommates so it's a little different. <3

  5. Oh yes, I can relate with this. Isn't raising boys fun? They are so good at keeping us Moms on our toes! Thanks for the giggle. :)

  6. I grew up with two younger brothers so this is all too familiar. My husband still becomes proud when he lets one go. This is something about men that I will never understand.


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