
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bye Bye Google Friend Connect

Poop, darn, and dang.

Why mess with a perfectly good thing?  I don't know. But the people at Google have decided to shake up how you and I can follow blogs.  Google Friend Connect, which many of you use, is going away.  I know, right?!  I love GFC.  It's how I read all of my favorite blogs.

So we've gotta find something new.

There are a couple ways you can still keep up with posts here at Zucchini Summer (I mean who wants to miss out on a Friday Funnies?  Or the 25cent yard sale picture frame redo I have coming up?):

You can follow by email----look to the left where it says "follow by email" and enter your email address.
yellow arrow, left facing arrowIt's that easy!  All it does is email you when a new post is up. I don't have access to your email address and won't be sending spammy emails. Only new posts get sent.

This is new to me.  Because I live under a rock.  Evidently this is kind of the NEW go-to thing for following blogs. I joined.  It imports your reading list from GFC so you won't lose any subscriptions.  If you join BlogLovin' and import, you'll still be able to read here and won't miss a thing!

You can like Zucchini Summer on facebook because of course I will link to new posts.  And the benefit to liking on facebook means you also get to see little gems like this pop up:
zucchini summer, nailed it, can opener fail, dollar store can opener

-Feed Burner
To the right is the little buttons where you can follow me on pinterest, etc. The orange one is for feeds, click that and you can choose how you want to read Zucchini Summer (yahoo, pageflakes, and more are choices).

*Thanks to Serenity Now for keeping me updated and for the new ways to follow!*

Follow on Bloglovin


  1. I think I have to check out Bloglovin'. I keep hearing more and more about it.

    Never used Google Friend, so at least my world won't be rocked by losing that one!

    1. This is Day 2 of Blog Lovin' for me and, well I'm lovin' it. (har har, couldn't resist the pun).

      Jump on the bandwagon with us Katy!

  2. I love bloglovin, it makes it so easy to follow your favorites and I never miss a post. I never incorporated GFC into my blog so it doesn't affect me as much. Glad you were offered other options and you can import, that's awesome.

  3. I love Bloglovin, and also use Facebook a lot to keep up with my fav blogs!

  4. I love Bloglovin also! Very easy to use and install on your own blog. :)

  5. I miss Google Friends. I had almost a 1000 followers and then I went to wordpress (which I love) and lost them. : (. Wish it could have transferred. Now I have Bloglovin.


Happy to have you here at the Zucchini Summer Blog! :)