
Friday, June 28, 2013

Tomorrow is International Mud Day

International Mud Day • June 29
In our first home, my oldest son had what he called "my hole."  It was a hole in our backyard. Probably about a foot deep and a foot and a half wide.  I don't know how it got there, it just was.  He would play trucks and army guys in that hole.
He'd dig in it.
He'd plant random things in it.
It was his hole.

Now we have a different house and another son, and he's at the age now for his own hole.  And I'll be darned, he has one.  Part of our side yard doesn't drain real well and there's a natural hole that collects rain. And therefore mud.

And our 3 yr old loves his hole!  He asks to put on his boots and go stomp around in that muddy hole.  Yes, we let him.  :-)

Are you ready for some mud?  Even if your kids don't have holes of their very own (we may be the only people with random holes in the yard) can celebrate International Mud Day tomorrow, June 29th!  World Forum International says  "International Mud Day is children and early childhood professionals all over the world celebrating nature, outdoors, and mess by getting really muddy."

4 Ideas from Growing A Jeweled Rose blog:
-Make a mud pit
-Throw a MUD party
-Paint with mud (pic from KinderCare pinterest)

-Mud sensory bin (pic also from Growing A Jeweled Rose blog)

Other MUD Day Ideas:
-"Mud" Dessert---pudding, crushed oreos, and a gummy worm

-Read about worms!  We have this book from For Small Hands and our little guy loves it!
Wiggling Worms at Work
-Write a poem about mud
-Use plastic toy animals to make prints in the mud and then have your child match the animal to it's tracks.

Whatever you choose to do, happy Mud Day!


  1. This looks like so much fun! My son played in the mud for the first time last week. It was unintentional, but after he fell in the mud puddle he decided he wanted to stay. Little boys sure do love to get dirty!

  2. I can't let my kids know this, they'd have a blast and I'll have a dirty house. :)

  3. So fun!!! Although clean-up might be tricky!!! :-)

  4. Mud is awesome. We had a low spot with dirt in South Carolina and we called it our dump-truckin' spot. I loved that we made that into a verb :)

  5. We have done all sorts of messy sensory play, but I haven't yet let my kids go all out in the mud. I guess I need to put that on my bucket list! :-)

  6. I'm so glad I saw this post! Mud Day is right up our alley :) I have no idea what we'll do, but we'll find some mud!

  7. International Mud DAy - who knew? Certainly not me. My kids are too old now, but they sure did love mud back in the day. What a good Mom you are to let your boys have fun in the mud. I think the mud desert is more my style now ;)

  8. My kids would wan every day to be mud day. lol

  9. The "dirt cake" is one of my favorite desserts!!!


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