
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Uh, Sorry About That

A blogger's apology.

You know how when you go to a blog and you want to leave a comment, sometimes one of these dastardly things pops up:
blogger captcha, capcha, word verification
Don't you hate those?  Half the time I can't even tell what it says and I'm squinting and thinking "is that an l or an r???!", and heaven forbid you guess wrong and have to start over.  Or try to guess at the letters from your phone.

Those little word thingys are called captchas, they allegedly help prevent spam although I'm thinking they are maybe just to annoy the heck out of us.

I decided not to use it on my blog.  Just leave a comment, I'll deal with the spam, whatevs man.

Mmmhmm.  For MONTHS I thought captcha was gone and it wasn't!  And you kind souls left comments anyway.  Sorry about that.

It really is truly gone now.  I found the box to uncheck.  Promise.


  1. Those are SO annoying! It's really gone? Pinky promise? ;) I'm testing it with this comment...

  2. Love this! I'm no fan of captcha either. And some of the newer ones have gotten so sophisticated that it leaves me scratching my head in confusion.

  3. ROFL! A blogger should know that if I grumble through a CAPTCHA (especially on my phone!) I really like what you have to say! It's very frustrating that I can't comment on Blogger blogs from my phone (it's not the writer's fault lol) and I'm very thankful to those of you who let me sign in with a name and URL (my open ID's aren't working correctly and I'm avoiding G+ at the moment). So that's a long way of saying thank you for making it easier to let you know we love what you're posting!

  4. wow, that was so easy I'm commenting again just for fun!

  5. I found myself clicking through a ton of them till I found one I could decipher, bleh!

  6. OOh, thanks so much! I hate those too, but I don't like pointing them out in case you had a good reason to keep it! :)

  7. Awesome! I still left comments for you but after trying my luck on about 2 or 3 before I get the right one. I hate them too and don't bother with them on my blog either. :)

  8. YAY!! I've had to refresh those on multiple blogs so many times just so I could get one I could get...or I'd ask my kids what they thought it was. lol

  9. Great! But I would have left a comment anyway . . . just for you :)

  10. Yeah! I can't read those things at all. That's why I moderate comments, because the spam comments get pretty easy to spot.

  11. LOL, I'm about to get rid of it on mine and switch to moderation. When I had neither, the spam was overwhelming, at least on blogger. I leave comments either way if I want to say something but I know it bugs a lot of people :)

  12. That's awesome! No apology necessary.

  13. So glad you deleted this! I HATE them too!


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