
Monday, January 20, 2014

How to help me in 2014

I love how this blogger wrote about ways her readers could help her out in the new year.  So I'm doing my own list!  :)
help a blogger, adsense, swagbucks, free amazon giftcards, pinning blog posts

1) Click on the ads.  I have 3 Google Adsense ads here on the blog.  One on the left <-- sidebar, one at the verrrry bottom of the site, and one that shows up in between posts here on the main page.  If any of them interest you, please click through.  I earn a tiny bit of money for each person that clicks (you don't have to buy, surf the site, signup for anything..just click!).

2) Leave comments.  It is always a joy to see what the readers have to say, so if you have a comment on a post, by all means, leave it.  Commenting here is easy--no captchas or security codes.

3) Share my facebook posts.  Facebook is a great tool, but they keep changing the way you see things from "likes" and now only a small amount of people who "like" my page can see my posts. If you click the "share" button and post it on your own page, it will really help my visibility.

4) Use my referral link when you join Swagbucks.  Swagbucks is NOT a toolbar that you have to download.  Just a website to use to earn swagbucks that you can redeem for amazon gift cards.  Currently I have $35 in amazon cards that were totally free! They are just waiting for me to spend them!  You can earn too. Signing up is FREE and I get some credit once you start earning your own swagbucks.  Everyone wins. Points for me, giftcards for you.  

5) Pin the posts you like.  Use Pinterest to pin posts that you like, you'll be able to find them easily in the future and it helps get this little blog seen by more people.

Thanks for being super readers!


  1. This is great! I'm new to the whole blogging world, I never realized that simply clicking an add pays. I always assumed one had to buy something. Thanks for helping me learn something new! :)

    1. Yep! Just clicking through on a link gives me a tiny bit of money but it all adds up. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.

  2. Great tips! I don't think readers always realize how to help out their favorite blogs!

    1. Thank you for commenting Rachel. You're right, I don't think people typically realize that things like this help their favorite bloggers. I'm making a mental resolution to start clicking on more ads when I visit blogs. :)

  3. Thank you for posting this! I always feel like I am loosing myself in this blogging world. Its refreshing to see tips like these to help me be a better blogger!

  4. I'm going to do this sometime! I didn't know if you were allowed to ask people to click on the ads, so I never did. But I assume that it's okay to ask?

    1. I'm not sure how much "asking" you can do really, but I think it is okay to point out that you have ads and make sure that readers know they do NOT have to buy something from them. Hope that helps!

  5. There are great tips :) I'm Pinning this :) See I'm taking it into consideration :)

  6. thanks for linking back to me! I hope this helps you!

    We Three Crabs

  7. Those are great tips. I usually click on ads that I'm interested in whenever visiting a blog but I'll be sure to do that a bit more often. I don't usually pin but whenever I do visit I always make sure to leave a comment. :)

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Happy to have you here at the Zucchini Summer Blog! :)