
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

2014 Reading List


Like many of you, I love to read!  Here's where I'll document the books I read this year, along with my ever-growing "still to read" list!  

Do you have a favorite book that isn't on my list but you think I can't live without?  Leave a comment and tell me about it!

None of these are affiliate links or paid posts. I get exactly jack squat if you rush out and read the book---except for the knowledge that I helped another person discover an awesome book.  :)

In Progress:

When We Were On Fire-(Addie Zierman)                   Fever 1793 (Laurie Halse Anderson)
           Orphan Train (Christina Baker Kline)

2014 Finished Reading:



Still to Read:


   cover for Good God, Lousy World, and Me



  1. Thanks so much!! I'm always on the lookout for good books to read! So, you liked all the ones you read, right?!

    1. Absolutely! The books by Joshilyn Jackson have some Christianity in them, though the stories are fiction and there is humor and some cursing. The Exodus Road is written by a missionaries wife.

      The David Rosenfelt book (with the cute dog on the cover) is a smartly written story about a defense attorney caught up in the middle of a murder mystery. :)

  2. Your list looks nice! Currently I am just reading business books. They can be a little dry sometimes.

    1. *yawn*
      Haha! Yeah I'd have to take a break! If you get some time for a fun, lighter read, try the Joshilyn Jackson books, or one by Mary Kay Andrews. I read a bunch of hers in 2013, very fun, easy to read.

  3. Thanks for the heads up on this book!

    1. I love to read! Thanks for coming by. If you can think of any other books that I have to read this year, come back and let me know! I'm going to keep updating this post throughout the year.

  4. I really wish I had more time to read as I LOVE to read--maybe someday i will again and then I will come back to your list!

    1. Oh I know! Sometimes it goes in spurts and I read a lot and then go awhile without. Hope you get some time to cozy up with a good book soon. :)

  5. Is Divergent good? Must be if you are reading more in that series. What are Fever and We Were on Fire about? I'd love to hear what you think of the God related ones too!

    1. Good to see you Steph! Divergent was very good, I'm looking forward to the sequels and the movie this year. Fever is a fictional story set in 1793 about a girl living in a town when yellow fever comes through.

      The religious books--
      Love the Joshilyn Jackson books. They contain elements of church and/or God but none non are the preachy type. I think people of most faiths would enjoy the books, whether or not they come from a Christian background.

      Exodus Road is short (I read it in one day) and interesting but left me wishing she'd told more tales from the whole thing.

      When We Were On Fire is a non-fiction written by the author of the blog "How to talk evangelical." It's her tale of being raised in a pretty fundamentalist Christian faith and how she came to leave that aspect of it but deepen her faith. I'm 1/2 through right now!

  6. Yay for books! I love reading lists and finding new books to read. I have read Divergent and Insurgent but not Allegiant yet, holding off since so many people sounded disappointed in it.

    I won a giveaway for a signed Joshilyn Jackson book, Someone Else's Love Story and I can't wait to read it. Too many books and too little time!

    Hope you will share this in my Small Victories Sunday linky that is now open for the week!


Happy to have you here at the Zucchini Summer Blog! :)