
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Apple Cake (Recipe)

*Waves hello*
You're going to be seeing a lot of me this month.  I'm doing the April "A-Z" Blogging Challenge.  Today's post letter was "A" (hence the apple cake recipe), tomorrow's post will be about something with B, and so forth.  

Without further ado, here is a recipe that I just love. 

Apple Cake
3 eggs
1 1/4 C. Oail
1 C. chopped walnuts
2 C. Sugar
2 1/2 C. Self-Rising Flour
2 medium apples, diced
Few dashes cinnamon 

Blend together eggs, oil, and sugar until creamy. Add cinnamon. Add flour a little at a time. Blend well.  Batter will be stiff.  Fold in apples and nuts.  Pour into greased 9x13 and bake at 350 for an hour.

This makes a mild, not too sweet cake. Almost like a cake to have with coffee or breakfast. 

See you tomorrow for the letter 'b'!


  1. Hi There - I don't see the A - Z button, but with the word 'apple', I assume you're participating. I'm doing the challenge as well. Interesting recipe and it looks easy! Good luck with the rest of the challenge.

    1. Working on adding the button--I think it shows up there now! Thanks for coming by to visit. :)

  2. Yum, that sounds good. Especially cause it's just after lunch and I'm thinking about dessert. :)

    1. It's a good cake that is so super easy to make (I don't do complicated recipes!). :D Hope you'll make it soon and enjoy!

  3. Wow, that seems really easy to make, just my kind of recipe!!! Visiting from our Mommy Blogger Facebook group, but I too am doing the AtoZ challenge! Good Luck! :)

    1. Yes! I don't do recipes that are NOT easy! :) I'm liking the A-Z, are you? It's a stretch for me since I don't usually post every day!

  4. Ooh, my mouth is watering. Will you be posting a recipe every day?

    1. No, each day will be something different. Tomorrow for "B" it is a massive list of Birthday party theme ideas for kids. :) Thanks for stopping by, come visit again soon!

  5. I love apples. This is recipe I might have to try.

    Stopping by for the A to Z Challenge. We are highlighting amazing authors this month. Check us out HERE.

  6. Very similar to the apple cake recipe I use. My boys love it. I'll try yours next time.

    1. I love that it is not too sickeningly sweet, you know? That way I can justify it as a breakfast food. ha

  7. oh MY this sounds yummy. do you deliver?

    1. Haha, no I don't usually do deliveries but I promise this is so easy you won't mind making it yourself. :)

  8. Sounds delicious! I think I will try this weekend. I am also a teacher- what grade do you teach?

    2 Smart Wenches

    1. I'm finishing my B.S right now, will graduate next year and be licensed K-6/Mild Intervention. :)

    2. Awesome! I have a soft spot in my heart for struggling students. I have my M.S. in school psychology, but just haven't made the leap. Congratulations on your soon to be completed degree.
      2 Smart Wenches

  9. Oooh, is your theme going to be recipes? This apple cake sounds yummy and easy to make. I'll have to give it a shot. Thanks!

    1. It is super easy. And no, my theme isn't recipes it is "whatever I could manage to think of for each letter" haha! Tomorrow (B) is Birthday party theme ideas.

  10. That looks really yummy! And hats off to you for doing an A-Z challenge. I might have to try that sometime.

  11. This sounds like the one my grandmother used to make. I always loved it. Will def try this one!

  12. I've looked at two A to Z posts now and they were both on Apples. LOL! This sounds awesome.


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