
Friday, April 25, 2014

Six Movies I Haven't Seen

Some of these are classics, some are just pop-culture trendy, but nonetheless, I haven't seen any of them.  How many of the six have you seen?

1. Twilight.
Don't even try to convince me to see it.  

2. The Heat
This is at the top of my want-to-see list, just haven't gotten around to it yet!

3. The Book Thief
Did you read the book?  See the movie?  Is the book better?  I'm about half done with the book and want to finish it before getting the movie.

4. A Few Good Men
Seen bits and pieces but never the whole thing in one setting.

5. Love, Actually
Everyone seems to think this is a fantastic movie. Is it?  Should I try to rent it sometime?  Will it make me cry because I want to be prepared!

6. The Graduate
Wasn't this Dustin Hoffman's big break?  I love him but not sure I'm at all interested in seeing this particular movie.



  1. I've seen Love, Actually, but none of the others so I'm in good company! Have a great weekend...what will you be watching?

    1. Didn't watch any movies over the weekend but I'm still hoping to rent The Heat soon!

  2. I've seen most of Twilight (hubby likes it). The main character is so blah to me I just don't see the attraction. I've seen A Few Good Men (Tom Cruise when he was cute!). I'm not sure if I've seen Love Actually...maybe, can't remember.

    1. I'm surprised your husband likes Twilight--mostly it has been women I've known that like it! I've seen clips of A Few Good Men but not the whole thing, you know? It just doesn't interest me enough to watch the entire movie.

  3. I have seen like the 2nd half of A Few Good Men. LOVE Twilight. Each movie is better than the one before (IMO). But I read the books first. It's just a really, really good love story. The 4 I haven't seen and honestly am not really planning to.

    1. See I'm not at all interested in Twilight, but Book Thief and The Heat both look good to me! ha! I haven't read the Twilight books though, I'm sure if I had then I'd want to see the movie too.

  4. I haven't seen any of them either, I'm not sure if I will either.

    1. I'm in good company. :) I do really want to see The Heat though. I love Sandra Bullock AND Melissa McCarthy and they are BOTH in it.


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