
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Why We Aren't Going Back to Church [yet].

Despite the Covid19 numbers being horrible (at the time of this writing we've now lost more Americans to coronavirus than we did to the Vietnam War, Iraq/Afghanistan, Gulf War, and 9/11....COMBINED), some places are opening back up.

There is much debate over the topic of what/when/how to open more of our country.  It's been a long 8 weeks-ish at home with nothing much to do but referee my kids' arguments.

Coronavirus. This is fine.

My particular county is still experiencing a continued increase in cases. And yet, we are opening.

That's right. Restaurants are open now, retail stores have opened back up, county workers are going back to county offices instead of working from home.  And churches are going to start meeting in person.

We won't be going to church yet.

We are thankful that our church is moving slowly and not just flinging the doors wide open on the first Sunday back. They've taken reasonable, measured steps and stages which we appreciate.  But even so.

Covid19 is prevalent in our community.  We have a fair amount of at-risk individuals that attend our church.  While mask-wearing is encouraged (by the church, the county, the state, and the CDC), there will be plenty that refuse to do so.

I don't want to accidentally give someone this virus.  Studies are showing that many who spread Covid19 are asymptomatic!  They wouldn't even know to stay home because they had no symptoms!  I don't want to give someone's grandma or immune-compromised child a potentially deadly illness.

So, we aren't going to church yet. Some like to act like their faith gives them the power to meet in person and not be affected (see some of those whacko preachers who defied stay at home orders).  Some people continue to claim it is just the flu (God help me with some of your children. Things down here are rough.).  

But in fact, it is my faith that compels me to stay home from church.
My love for my community, for everyone else's grandmas and grandpas.  For my own.  For our neighbors and coworkers.  I would feel awful if they became ill.  So for now, we will continue to stay home and watch church online.  Thankful for technology that allows us to gather digitally.

If you choose to go back sooner, we can still be friends. :)  Just promise me you'll wear a mask! 

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