
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Things We DON'T Buy

Not long ago I shared the 7 things we don't mind spending money on.  Cherry Coke, life insurance, etc.  Many years ago when this blog was quite new, I wrote about the things we just won't buy.  But it's time to update that list!  

We do spend a little more on cell phones now.  My husband's is provided through his work and our teenage son and myself get a $30 a month plan for a total household cell phone bill of $60 per month.  

What about things we don't buy though?  When you are looking for frugal tips and money saving advice, you'll often come across people who don't eat out, don't buy paper plates, and haven't had a name brand bag of chips for the last 20 years.  Those people are not me.  Now if it's how you choose to live, by all means, do so.  It would save you money!  But me?  I've gotta have paper plates and Pringles from time to time. 10 things we don't buy

We try to be responsible with our money while still enjoying life without going into debt.  It's a balance we all have to find!  
Here are the 10 things we don't buy.  Let me know if your list is different or similar!

1. Apps

If it's not free, we're not getting it.  Sure there are likely some fantastic apps out there that only cost a few dollars.  Nonetheless, we just don't pay to buy apps, nor do we do the in app purchases for them.  Believe me, I've been stuck on levels of Candy Crush or Cooking Craze and been super tempted by the $3 booster pack.  But I resist!  Our budget doesn't have a "Beat the next level" line item. :-D

2. Tanning Sessions

Oh how I would love to go tanning!  It evens out your skin tone and gives a "healthy" glow.  But I read about how even going tanning just once can greatly increase you chances of skin cancer.  It's scary stuff and while my chubby parts would look better tan, I don't want to die so the world will just have to deal with my bright white chub.

3. Alcohol

For various reasons, we don't drink.  Alcoholic drinks can be quite expensive, especially if you're at the bar ordering the $10 drinks.  No alcohol for us means no extra cost.

4. Cigarettes / Vape

We aren't Mormon but with the lack of drinking and smoking we might blend in with them. ha! We don't smoke or do any of the various alternatives such as vaping.  

5. Gym Memberships

Funny story.  I did the Planet Fitness thing for awhile and of all the gyms, it does seem the be the most affordable.  But.  I just didn't go enough to justify it.  So one year on January 4th when everyone was joining the gym, I marched in and stopped the membership.  #Winning

6. Lottery Tickets

For both mathematical and religious reasons we don't purchase lottery tickets or visit casinos, horse tracks, etc.  

7. Cable or Satellite TV 

There was a time when we had satellite tv. We chose Dish Network because it didn't require a contract and you could cancel at any time without incurring extra fees.  It was around $30 a month.  

We do purchase hulu/prime/netflix now which adds up to roughly $25 a month (though we share the cost with family which lowers our part of the bill). Not a huge savings but we feel like between those 3 streaming services we have enough viewing options. We certainly aren't going to add Dish on TOP of all the streaming.  If we got rid of streaming we'd have no way to watch some of our favorite shows.  

8. Leased Vehicles

We don't lease our vehicles.  Most often it's better to buy a vehicle you can afford and then you OWN at the end of the payments versus paying on something every month and then having nothing to show for it because you never truly owned it.  Sure, you can lease a nicer car than you can afford to buy outright, but...why?  I'm not trying to lose money just to show off.

9. Extended Warranties

You know how when you go to Walmart and the register prompts the cashier to ask if you want to pay $7 extra for a warranty on this Furby?  Hard pass on that.

10. The Latest Technology

Guess who owns air pods?!  No one in our house! 
Sure we have phones and streaming on our tv.  We don't live in the dark ages.  But we're also not waiting in line outside Apple stores for the latest igadget.  We wait til something has been on the market for awhile and the price goes down before purchasing.  Also?  I'm a good person but I tend to lose things and air pods seem like NOT a good idea for someone like me. :-/

budgeting tips

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