
Thursday, August 6, 2020

The 3 Books I Couldn't Stop Reading This Summer

I've read a lot this summer but 3 books really stand out as the best summer reads. These were the 3 that I devoured within 48 hours each.  These are the books that I just couldn't put down! 

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3 books I couldn't put down

1. The Silent Patient

The Silent Patient
The Silent Patient has topped many best-seller lists and been the topic of book bloggers.  Indeed, The Silent Patient did not disappoint!  I was lucky enough to get it from my local library via the Libby app.  

I can't always read on my phone, preferring a physical book most times, but sometimes a book is SO good that I don't mind it being digital and can devour it nonetheless.

The Silent Patient had a few twists that knocked my socks of!  If you're looking for a suspense that will keep you guessing--this is the book for you!

2. Evvie Drake Starts Over

Evvie Drake Starts Over
I read Evvie Drake Starts Over earlier in the summer and it's just so lovely and refreshing!  A charming story of a widowed woman and a washed out baseball star.  It's the rom-com of books. 

If you're needing a book to take your mind off the heaviness of the world, this will do it.  

3. The Garden of Small Beginnings

The Garden of Small Beginnings
My first time to read Abbi Waxman, I read this one while I waited for Other People's Houses to arrive in the mail. Like with The Silent Patient, I was able to get The Garden of Small Beginnings as a library loan on the Libby app. Yay for free!

Abbi Waxman has a delightful way of wording things and working humor into her novel.  Like Evvie Drake Starts Over, this book is a lighter take on the world that will give you an enjoyable break from whatever has you consumed at the moment.  

Some authors I reread and some I don't go back to but after having read The Garden of Small Beginnings, I know Abbi Waxman is an author I will follow and read everything she puts out!

My favorite books of the summer

Did you do much reading over the summer?  What's the best book you've read lately?

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