
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

What I Wish I Had Known As A 1st Time Mom

My oldest child is now 17.  One year left before he's a legal adult.  As cliche as it sounds, it truly does feel like just yesterday I was feeding him in the middle of the night, then potty training,  and then signing him up for Kindergarten.

That first year as a mom was hard.  Bless my heart, I had no idea what I was doing.  No first time mom knows what she's doing!  Here's what I wish I had known when I first became a mom:

  • Babies need fed, changed, and loved. You don't have to do it on a schedule just because your friend does.  Feed, change, love. That's it.

  • You WILL sleep again, but it will be a few years.  

  • You will also eventually be able to walk and stand without pain but it's going to be awhile. Also. You'll bleed for every second of those 6 weeks postpartum.  Your friend who felt the need to tell you that she only bled for 3?'re not going to be that lucky. 

  • You can shove ice inside baby diapers and wear it as a pad. This is both horrifying and wonderful. You're welcome.

  • Breastfeeding is great. Formula feeding is great. Do what works for you and your baby and tell everyone else to bug off.

  • The sacrifices that you're making for this baby right now?  The pain of those?  You won't regret them 17 years later.

  • Some poop stains will not come out. Throw away the outfit.

If you're a new mom: Hang in there!
If you're in the teen-trenches with me: *raises solidarity fist*

What I wish I'd known as a first time mom

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