
Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer Fun Series--Week 6!

Only two more weeks of our Summer Fun Series left after this! I hope you'll stick around because at the end, we're having a really fun giveaway!

If you missed the first five weeks, you can catch up here: Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Here are this week's fun activities!

Monday--Monopoly Monday!

Play Monopoly today with the kiddos. The junior version is really good. An older child can act as banker to brush up on their adding/subtracting skills. If you don't have Mono

poly, try another child's board game like Don't Wake Daddy, Candy Land, etc.

Tuesday-- Donation Day!

Get a large bag and set the timer! Each participant has X minutes (3? 5? You decide what will work best with your kids!) to gather as many things from their room that they would like to DONATE. Toys, old clothes (Mom gets the final say!), books, etc. The person who donates the most gets a high five. You can either take the items immediately to a local shelter or Goodwill, or wait till a later date.

Wednesday-- Movies!

Take your kids to a movie today. Many theatres have a free kids mo

vie midweek during the summer. Some charge $1 per ticket.

Thursday--Childhood Favorites

Yesterday and tomorrow are both "outing" days, so today is a "stay home" day. Take some time to play your favorite, no-supplies-needed games. "I Spy With My Little Eye," a cool 10-step handshake that you made up as a kid, 20 Questions, and so forth.

Friday-- Garage Sales!

Time to scour the yardsales!

Check your local paper and online Craigslist a

ds to find nearby sales. Load up the kids with drinks and snacks and head out. We went to some great sales last week and my 8 yr old was thrilled to find 3 books that he loved! It only set me back $1.75.

1 comment:

  1. Donation day is an awesome idea! I need to try that with my boys next week:)


Happy to have you here at the Zucchini Summer Blog! :)