
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer Fun Series--Week 7

If you missed the first six weeks, you can catch up here:
Week 1
Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Next week will be the last in our eight week Summer Fun series! Be sure you are a follower because you will not want to miss the last one! There's a giveaway involved.....

Here are fun things for you and your short people this week!

Monday: Make Crayons
Did you know you can melt down crayons and mold them into new, fun shapes? Tuts and Tea Parties has all the how-to info for you at her blog!

Tuesday: Back to School Shopping
Okay well maybe not all of it. Crayons will be .25 for a pack of 24 before the season is over.
If your store doesn't have them marked that low, wait!

You could let your child(ren) pick out their backpacks and lunch bags though. Additionally, Walgreens has 2-pocket solid color folders for just nine cents this week!

Wednesday: Out of Town Library Visit

Drive out of your own town and visit the library of a different town. How far you choose to go is up to you. Just try to make it a library you've never visited before. Even though you probably won't be able to (or want to) check out books from there, it will still be a fun visit!Lithgow Library Children's Center, photo from flikr

Look at the children's section. Each library has a unique take on how to set up the kid area! Let your kids play and read some books before heading back home.

Thursday: Thirst Quencher
Call it radioactive goo. Call it frog juice. Whatever your kids would find amusing. But it's easy to make. Scoop green sherbet into a big bowl and pour sprite over the top. Let it bubble and mix together and serve in cups. YUMMY. Great thirst quencher on a hot day!

Friday: Oh, go fly a kite!
No, for real. Go fly a kite.
If you don't have one, I have often seen them at the "everything is a dollar" stores!
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