
Monday, October 15, 2012

Packing Joy (in a Shoebox)--Girl's Edition

Christmas is coming.

We don't spend a lot on gifts for our kids (see this post for how we did 4 gifts last year).  But they get gifts.  Grandparents get them gifts, they get birthday gifts.

Imagine a child not having ever been given a gift.  Nothing. Nada.  That's the sad reality for millions in our world.

Samaritan's Purse runs a super cool program aimed at giving kids a gift. Operation Christmas Child asks you to pack a shoe box with items for a boy or girl.  Then they deliver these all around the world.  Shoe boxes aren't just about toys, they include school supplies, often making the difference for a child being able to go to school or not.  Did you know that in Uganda, a box of crayon costs the equivalent of a week's salary!?  No wonder kids don't have the supplies they need for school.

This year we've done 6 boxes in our family.
They are on a storage shelf in our room and I can add to them as I purchase stuff. I find that the easiest way to keep organized and keep an eye on what is still needed.
I spelled "hygiene" incorrectly in this picture.  Oops.  Don't send hate mail.

Today, I will show you what our girl boxes contain.  There are lots of photos of each of the 3 boxes so you can get a detailed look at what's inside!

Our Dial soap is double bagged so the scent doesn't permeate every item in the boxes.

First, the box for the youngest age category of girls: 2-4 yr olds

Here's a list of everything stuffed into the box!  I've never sent silverware before but this year all my boxes include  forks.  They were a great deal at my grocery store during back-to-school season and I thought many of the children getting boxes may not have enough forks for each member of the house, so this would help them.

Girl box ages 5-9

List of everything in our box for the girl in the 5-9 yr old age group.  For some reason the headbands really excite me about this box.  I hope the girl who gets it was HOPING for headbands!  She also will get two stuffed animals.  Everyone needs something cuddly!

The box for the oldest girl age group:

I was lucky to find some water bottles on clearance at a craft store after the summer.  You'll see some again when I get to the boys' boxes!  To make everything fit in the box, that is another washcloth stuffed into the bottle.

Do you pack boxes?  You can join the OCC Virtual Packing Party!  I just love seeing what creative ideas people have for putting things in the boxes!
Related Post: Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes for Boys!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! We've never done it before but it seems like something that would be useful!

  2. Hi Tammy,
    What a well organized, full of heart and joy post. I can tell you put a lot of time and effort not only in your pictures (awesome) but in what you put in the boxes! Great idea on adding the forks.
    Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Linda. :) I just love the OCC boxes. Going to enclose a letter from our family in them this year. Maybe someday we'll get a letter back!

  3. Wow,I didn't know all that could fit in a shoebox! What a great idea. And yours are so neat and organized!

  4. We've done shoeboxes several years. This is a GREAT post to help know what to pack and how to pack it.Thanks for the post!

    1. Thank you Linda! The double bagging the soap was a new idea to me. The more I see everyone else list what they put in their bags, the more I find better ideas!

  5. Double bag...I should have double bagged...hahaha.

    Great ideas!

    1. Heads up! Try this-open up your candy bag and taste one piece. If you don't at least double freezer bag ivory or unscented soap and do the same with the candy, it will be contaminated and taste like soap. Some never had a piece of candy-why let them think it tastes like soap and may get diarhea? I made this mistake my 1st year when 1 of my boxes didn't make it, opened the candy&it was ruined and I cried.

  6. This is wonderful! We're still trying to decide what Christmas charity/event we will be part of. I've always wanted to sponsor a local family's Christmas. We shall see.

    1. Sponsoring a family's Christmas would be wonderful!

      One thing I started with my oldest son last year is going to a Walgreens when they have their giving tree up. They have local elderly/homebound people's name and wishlist on ornaments on the tree. I let my son choose a name and then we went through the store and chose gifts for that person. It was a great experience.

  7. Last year I was introduced to OCC by Scotty McCreery who won the 10th season American Idol. I had OCC pack my box seeing I wasn't quite sure of what to include. I was very pleased with my choices and for the cost it was well worth having them do it. I'm disabled, so, for me,it is the perfect solution. What a great feeling.
    Thank you Scotty McCreery,
    First Baptist Church
    Garner, North Carolina.

    1. That is great that you were able and willing to give. Thanks so much for sharing your story!

  8. We did 6 boxes this year, too! Love your boxes; they look great!

  9. I put a harmonica, lighted yo yo, small flashlitewith batteries, a bandana, handkerchief, underwear, flipflops, deodorant,triple freezer ziplock bag ivory soap-same with hardtac candies so the soap smell doesn't contaminate the candy.A small stuffed animal,comb,nailclippers(Walmart has a set for .97)school supplies,tools,washcloth,toothpaste&toothbrush,builders apron all for the older boys.Dollar Tree has 4" bouncing balls painted like a globe.They can see where they are and where we are.And they have a plastic container of 5nylon bath scrubees that squish real nice in any space. Ross has better washcloths that will last longer,check the clearance section also and any store. I like looking at everyones finds :)Mary

    1. Thanks for coming by Mary. Sounds like your boxes are filled with great things!

      I don't have a Ross store. I got my washcloths mostly from Walmart, one set was Dollar Tree (but surprisingly soft). I wish I could have found the globe bouncy balls like you did!

  10. I do the older children 10-14 group as they are the least remembered. When Joann Fabrics has 50% off notions, I buy the plastic sewing boxes with handles and add more notions to it and fabric.They fit in a OCC shoebox plus room for HBA etc. Joanns' and Michaels honor each others coupons but Hobby Lobby does not.All have alot of GOOD STUFF.I make sure each box no matter what age has a cloth handkerchief that can be washed & reused.a bendable visor slips in well as book markers.I make my own giftcards.I glue on a Christmas picture on the inside of the lid and use glitter glue around them.

    1. Cute idea to use the glitter glue on the inside of the lid, and I love the sewing notions thought too for the older kids! I'll have to keep an eye out for good deals on those things throughout this next year.

  11. You can get sturdier plastic boxes with sturdier lids at Winn Dixie stores if you have them in your area. They are worth the extra few dollars as they may last longer. Decided to put workers gloves and construction (nails) apron with the toolboxes and variety of nails as they fit in nice in the empty spaces.I got a Jr. sized toolbox $4 at Lowe's and a Jr set of tools there $8 There are PINK toolsets for girls there too! Right in the main aisle of tool bargains. I will make a pink builders apron for the girls box marking it age 14. Pink bandana-everything pink.

    1. I like the tool set idea! We don't have a Winn Dixie, I got my plastic boxes from Target. They were at the back to school section, bundled 6 for $6. :)

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  13. I wouldn't have thought about forks. Good idea. Thanks!

    1. You're welcome! It took me several years of packing OCC shoeboxes to think to put forks in, but I bet a lot of kids who get these boxes don't have much silverware at home.

      Thanks for reading!


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