
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The poll has arrived

You're the boss.

I made some money blogging.  All of it is being given away.  Some to my church, some for my Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes to cover shipping (each box is $7 to ship).  That still leaves me $25.

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Since I earned the money from blogging, I wanted you guys to get to tell me where to send it!

SO, please vote in this poll*!  On October 20th, I will donate $25 to the charity with the highest number of bids.  
*You'll have to go to that sidebar and do it <-----  for the life of me I could not get it to embed in this post.

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No, $25 will not fix all the problems of the world. We have to start somewhere!

It is enough to fund most of a bear to comfort a grieving mother through the Molly Bears organization.  It is enough to save two lives from Malaria, help fund clean water at Drop in the Bucket, give a teacher some classroom supplies that they need via Donors Choose, stock half of a fish pond in a third world country through Samaritan's Purse, or support an orphan or adoption at Show Hope.

Folks, what will it be?  Vote!  Leave me a comment and share with your friends, the more voices, the better!


  1. I voted for Samaritan's Purse. I always have a soft spot for them.

  2. My vote was probably predictable. Of course I went with Show Hope. I'm glad you had them as an option. :)

  3. I voted for the Molly Bears. The thought of any mother losing a child is just so devastating to me. :-( Also shared your post.

  4. I voted drop in the Bucket Tammy. You are a ray of light in this world! God Bless you!


Happy to have you here at the Zucchini Summer Blog! :)