
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

It's Okay To Be Scared

In case you live under a rock and haven't heard, we are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.  The Coronavirus has a higher death rate than the regular flu, no known treatment/cure, no vaccine, and is highly contagious.

Fun times.

My family was so excited for 2020 to start! 2019 was...not great.  In the last 6 months of 2019, we'd had:
  • 2 surgeries, 
  • 1 ambulance ride, 
  • 3 EKG's, 
  • 6 X-rays, 
  • 2 ultrasounds, 
  • 1 cat scan,
  • 4 (?) blood draws

We were READY to ring in 2020. 

2020 started with the threat of going to war with Iran (remember that?  That was THIS YEAR, you guys!), impeachment of the President, and now a worldwide pandemic.

I'm fine. Why do you ask?

Occasionally I see fellow Christians post things on social media or blogs about just "Trusting God."  Or some verse about anxiety.  Or they talk about God being in control. Or this being his plan.  

Hold up. First of all, people have varying beliefs about God but I don't buy that he plans tragedies to kill millions of people. So, no.  Second, we can trust that God will be with us but that doesn't mean there won't be pain or suffering for some. Third, there are verses that you may find comforting in this time, however, for me, they don't eliminate all of the fear about getting COVID-19 or passing it on to someone.

And you know what? 

coronavirus pandemic fear

Are you scared of the COVID 19 pandemic too?  It's okay.  We're allowed to be scared of scary things.  It's not a good idea to wallow around in that fear. That's why I'm keeping to a pretty good schedule, avoiding 24 news, taking deep breaths, and journaling.

But if you're scared?  Know that you're not alone. I'm scared too.  Scared that I'll get it. Scared that I'll give it.  Scared that I'll be trapped in this house with stir-crazy kids for the rest of the year!  Fear. Anxiety. Scared.  Those are human emotions.  Are you human?  Yes? Then you're allowed to feel those.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

**sends social-distance-appropriate cyber hug*

~shared at Thoughtful Thursdays

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