
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Coronavirus. Anxiety.

Turns out that a world-wide deadly virus that can make you die alone in isolation is not exactly great for people with anxiety. 
covid 19 coping strategies
On the plus side, every store I have ever even LOOKED AT has emailed me that they are deep cleaning and care about me.  Thanks, Sbarro, for letting me know you're encouraging employees to use hand sanitizer.  Do you usually not?  *suspiciously eyes mall food court*

Our state is shut down, although an awful lot of non-essential people still think they are essential and are out gallivanting around the town.

In these anxious times, (wait, didn't Staples send me an email that began the same way?), there are a few things that I say/do to keep myself calm.  Fine. Calm-ISH.

I'm not a therapist, counselor, or doctor. So if you need to check in with those people, please do!  I'm just a Fellow-Anxious-Person here, sharing what helps me in case it might also help you!

Things I Say:
  • "This will not last forever."
  • "I am saving lives by staying home."
  • "The sun still shines."
  • When my brain says "BuT wHaT iF yOu GeT iT aNd DiE!!!1!1!" I tell it "Yeah, but what if I DON'T.  If I'm going to think the extreme scary then I also have to think the opposite."

Things I Do:

  • Take a deep breath. Hold for a count of 4. Let it out while counting to 4.  Repeat.
  • Watch a 5 min mindfulness video on Youtube
  • Do some daily squats.
  • Limit news headline checks to morning/lunch/night.  Limit more if you need to!
  • Listen to the birds outside and enjoy that nature and life are still happening!
  • Use paper plates and frozen dinners and don't even feel bad about it for a second.
  • Pet my dog and tell him he is the goodest of all good boys.
  • Take a drive by myself.
  • Text Tiger King memes to friends.

If you have found healthy ways of coping with anxiety during this Covid-19 crisis, please let me know!  If simple strategies and deep breathing aren't enough (many times they aren't), please reach out to your local physician or counselor.  If you need immediate help, call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
 Suicide Prevention

((hugs from 6 feet away))

*Shared at CreativeKKids ThoughtfulThursday

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