Last week I told you that this week I would be sharing our back-to-school teacher gifts with you. Apparently when I took the time to photograph the gifts.... (this is embarassing) .... there wasn't a memory card in the camera. When I went to get pictures for this post, they were non-existent. Please tell me that you have done that too!??? Anyway. Have you seen these kit-kat bars on pinterest?
Super cute. I made my own similar design, cut them out,, added fun scrapbooking paper and made wrappers for the mini kit-kat bars. Those went to a local high school that our church provided treats for. Also going to the high school, I took inspiration from this:
and made tags that said "Have a FANTA-stic year!" and tied them with ribbon to the little pop tab on the top of each can. And my son's classroom teacher got a package of coffee with a tag similar to what we sent to the preschool teacher last year: (here is the original coffee gift post) Next time I take pictures, I'll make sure there is a memory card! :-/
You know those weeks that just d r a g on and on forever? This was not one of them. I blinked and then BAM! time for Friday Funnies!
Next week I'm going to share with you some back-to-school gifts we did for teachers. But for today, here are your funnies, straight from my Funny Animals Pinterest board. :)
Sorry I skipped last week guys. We are knee-deep in back-to-school season and it seems like the to-do list keeps growing!
Have a great weekend!
Here are your funnies for today: