Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday Funnies

Boy, you all really loved last week's post with the funny Halloween costumes! It's been pinned over 400 times!  Not sure I can top that this week, but we'll try!

walrus comic, dentist comic, dentist funnies, walrus floss

How cute is this walrus getting a birthday cake (made out of fish)?
Walrus surprised with a birthday cake, walrus cake, walrus zoo, walrus birthday
found on pinterest, no valid source link 

walrus, walrus comic, walrus funny, walrus bandaids


  1. The last one is great! 400 pins is totally awesome! Good for you!

  2. The last one kills me! Awesome!

  3. Those are good ones! I like em, keep em coming!

  4. LOL, I used that first one a couple weeks back when talking about Brady learning to read. He saw the cartoon at the dentist's office, asked me to read it, I said, 'no you read it," so he did and then he totally cracked up! I love it!

  5. These are the BEST!!!! Pinning!


Happy to have you here at the Zucchini Summer Blog! :)