Never fear, Pinterest is here! I've started a summer fun board (probably should have started this way sooner than I did!) and found this:
original source here
I don't know about you, but we are not doing #55! We'll attempt many of the others though!
Being that we're a bit of a nerd family, I liked this display for a summer bucket list:
original source here
We've got VBS, soccer camp, golf camp, and the library reading program too!
What are your summer plans? If you have a bucket list going, share the link in the comments! We can all use more ideas.
To follow my Summer Fun board, click here.
I like the list and happily have fallen into most of those. Well, not the frog growing one! We haven't been to the zoo in 2 years and will definitely be doing that. We also love to fish almost every day at our local park.